
Elie Wiesel And Vladek Spiegelm Literary Analysis

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“The race toward death had begun.” (Wiesel 10).
In the Holocaust Narratives, Night and Maus, Elie Wiesel and Vladek Spiegelman have less ability to control their lives due to their race and culture; they have fewer rights, less reputation and are forced to follow discriminating rules, leads to the character's desperation and psychological damage, which ultimately demonstrates the importance of Cosmopolitanism.
During the power of Hitler, the Anti-Semitism against Jews increased so they wrote literature after the war to process their experiences and to make sure that the new generations won’t forget what happened in order to not repeat it. Elie Wiesel and many other Jews had fewer rights than Germans because of their religion. Wiesel uses …show more content…

The Nazis scream on the death marches at the Jewy: “Faster, you tramps, you flea-ridden dogs!” which forces them to run faster to the next concentration camp (Wiesel 85). They don't have the ability to decide where they want to go or if they want to make a break, because the Nazi soldiers threaten them with death. In the graphic novel Maus by Spiegelman Vladek explains that “International laws protected us a little as Polish war prisoners. But a Jew of the Reich, anyone could kill in the streets” which is a very interesting because prisoners committed a crime or killed people, but Jews didn't do anything like that, they just wanted to live in peace, but the prisoners had more rights and more ways to decide about their life than Jews due to international laws. Basic rights were also taken away by the Germans - The Jews weren't even allowed “…to …show more content…

Also, Vladek's father has trouble resisting the torture by the Nazis, which makes Vladek describe: "My father was crying. It was the first time I saw him cry. I had never thought it possible. " (Wiesel. 19). Vladek has always seen his father as a strong and resilient man who is able to withstand the worst situation, which is why he is shocked after he saw his own father crying after the Nazis

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