
Elie Wiesel Use Of Anaphoras In Night

Satisfactory Essays

By definition, a sober style in writing is described as serious, solemn, or grave; writing which is not exaggerated or distorted. One stylistic device that Elie Wiesel uses to create this style throughout Night is his frequent use of anaphoras. As a style device, anaphoras are the repetition of sentence beginnings. Wiesel's purpose of including anaphoras within his writing is to create an impactful and grave mood on his audience. Evidence of this style device is present as Elie describes his thoughts and feelings as his first day at Auschwitz comes to an end (pg. 22). Here, the text reads, "Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transform into smoke under the silent sky. Never

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