
Elie's Relationship With His Father Analysis

Decent Essays

Thesis: Elie’s belief in his survival increases while that of God’s justice and his family diminish as he experiences the events of the Holocaust.

Elie’s relationship with his father strengthens when times initially toughened, only to falter when conditions harshened to a point of no return.
a. “...a master for myself” (4)
Analysis: Elie is too young, and therefore looks to Moishe.
b.“There was no time to think...we were alone” (29)
Analysis: Elie and his father separated from his sister and mother.
c. “All I could think of was not to lose was imperative to stay together” (30)
Analysis: Crematory or prison. did not want to be deserted.
d. “No thoughts of revenge, or of parents. Only of bread” (115) Analysis: Removed family as a value and focused on life necessities …show more content…

“I felt...ashamed of myself forever” (106)
Analysis: Elie is almost happy for his father’s death.
f. “He had called out to me and I had not answered” (112)
Analysis: Parallel idea with Elie’s relationship with God.

Elie loses faith in God’s justice as he witnesses the way the Nazis treated humans.
a. “Why did I pray?...Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (4) Analysis: Parallel sentence structure implies initial necessity. b. “The Altar was shattered” (22) Analysis: Destroys vital Jewish structure and therefore Elie’s religion
c. “The Almighty...terrible Master of the Universe, chose to be silent. What was there to thank Him for?” (33) Analysis: Elie questions why God would allow such events to happen.
d. “...moments that murdered my live as long as God himself…(n)ever” (34) Analysis: Elie believes God has never existed. e. “I was not denying His existence, but I doubted His absolute justice” (45) Analysis: Elie doubts God’s moral ability to make a just world. f. “...why would I bless Him? Every fiber in me rebelled.” (67) Analysis: He blames and refutes God, however acknowledges his

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