
Elizabeth's Wedding With Victor

Satisfactory Essays

For my final project I decided to analyze Elizabeth’s life and experience and put it into a piece of art. The setting of this artwork is at Elizabeth’s wedding with Victor. I wanted to include this because Elizabeth was brought into the family because she was beautiful and kind. She was supposed to be Victor's trophy wife, and that was her main purpose in my view. Her wedding day went by fine, but her wedding night was where she her life came to an end. That is why I have the dark and awful weather. Dark clouds and a black and blue sky, to create a sense of unease and mystery because bad weather leads to bad things; despite the fact that nothing bad should be happening on a wedding day. A wedding should be light and happy, but Elizabeth’s was not. Another gothic element I wanted to show was …show more content…

In the rows of chairs the last row is knocked over, and there are blood stains on both chairs. The chairs in total represent Elizabeth’s life. The first row is when she is a child and she is orphaned, therefore no one is sitting there and since this is a sad part of Elizabeth’s life the chairs are black. The second row contains the Frankenstein family. Their chairs are lighter because this was a happy time in Elizabeth's life, where she had a family, friends and a home. The row after the Frankenstein families row is empty and black in color. This is because the Frankenstein family, die one by one. Victor’s Mother, Father,William, and their servant Justine, all die. Hence these chairs are empty, since the ones who did use them are no longer in Elizabeth’s life. The row after that only contains two chair which are also black. These represent the last moments of Elizabeth's life, where it was just her and Victor. But these chairs fall over and get covered in blood. This blood symbolizes the death of her character, and later on Victor. They are stained in blood to represent the blood shed caused by Victor and his

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