
Elvis Mitchell's Lost In Translation

Decent Essays

In preparation for this discussion, I found a review of Lost in Translation (Coppola, 2003) that was written by Elvis Mitchell (2003) for the New York Times. After reading his review, I will discuss whether he likes the film, and how he supports his position. I will also discuss whether I agree with his opinion and supply supporting points.
In his review, Mitchell gives many reasons why he likes Lost in Translation. He describes the film as hilarious and sexy. He credits the abilities of the cinematographer, editor, and sound director. However, the majority of his adoration is reserved for Bill Murray’s portrayal of Bob Harris. Mitchell writes, “Here he supplies the kind of performance that seems so fully realized and effortless that it can easily be mistaken for not acting at all”. He also praises Coppola on …show more content…

This time, I viewed it analytically, taking notes and paying close attention to details that I would normally miss. I agree with Mitchell’s positive assessment to some extent. Even though there is humor and romance present in the film, I would not describe it as hilarious or sexy, because the humor is subtle and romance is restrained. Furthermore, there are positive aspects of the film that Mitchell does not touch on. For example, I enjoy how Coppola uses cinematography and scene selection to convey the characters’ loneliness, isolation and disconnection. Scenes that show characters alone, staring out at the bleak grey city, or wandering empty hallways and streets, attempting to fill the time. These scenes contrast with the excitement and warmth that the characters emit when they meet and spend time together. I also appreciate how Coppola treats the final scene. Most romance films end neatly tied up, but here, she shows Murray whispering something inaudible into Johansson’s ear, leaving the viewer to decide what Murray might have said and how their story will

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