
Elvis Presley : A Hero Of An Epic Hero

Decent Essays

What is an epic hero? An epic hero is someone who shows the hero like traits and they can be both non-fictional or fictional characters. Some traits that an epic hero can portray maybe noble birth, capable of great deeds of great strength and courage, a great warrior, travels across a vast setting, national heroism, humility and if they faced supernatural foes and/or receive supernatural help. There are many more traits that an epic hero can have but these were just the many examples of traits an epic hero can have. Elvis Presley is an example of an epic hero. Some of his traits that show him as an epic hero would be humility, national heroism and capable of great deeds of great strengths and courage. Elvis Presley embodies an epic hero because when faced with problems on his journey to fame he still kept his humble roots and continues to do what he loved to do which is to make his fans happy through his music. Elvis Presley embodies an epic hero because when faced with problems on his journey to fame he still kept his humble roots and continues to do what he loved to do which is to make his fans happy through his music.
One of Elvis Presley’s many honorable traits is humility. Despite his rise to fame he still kept his humble roots, he loved to do despite having to go through many problems like his drug addiction and his passing of his mother. As most of us know Elvis Presley had problems such as his prescription drug addiction: “Toward the end of his career, Elvis was said

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