
Emily Dickinson 's Poem, A Fairer House Of Poetry

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Poetry Explication
Poetry has the ability to expand minds and put its reader in touch with the world around them. Emily Dickinson attempts to convey the power of poetry in her poem I Dwell in Possibility. She pours her passionate feelings about poetry into this poem and drives her point home with a comparison to prose. Using language, structure, and symbolism, Emily Dickinson’s I Dwell in Possibility effectively articulates how poetry can broaden horizons and provide an escape from the mundane.
Language and Theme
I Dwell in Possibility quickly suggests that the meaning behind the word possibility is actually poetry with its comparison to prose. Additionally, a house is used as a metaphor for poetry. With the statement, “a fairer House than Prose”, the definition of the word fairer is left open for interpretation because either meaning fulfills the speaker’s opinion of the comparison. (Kirsner & Mandell, 2013, p. 984) The speaker conveys throughout the poem her belief in the power of poetry and is a poet herself. She uses the words “Occupation” and “Visitors” to represent her profession and her readers. (Kirsner & Mandell, 2013, p. 984) The speaker and Emily Dickinson share so many characteristics, that it is difficult to separate the two.
Extending the house metaphor throughout the poem, Dickinson adds the metaphorical use of doors and windows to represent poetry’s openness. Supporting language was used to suggest that poetry is better and more open than prose with

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