
Emily Murphy: Married Women's Protective Act

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The Famous Five were a strong and influential group not only in Canada but throughout the world. My contribution to my community draws similarities to one specific member of the Famous Five. Emily Murphy has been known for her determination, her persuasion and her knowledge on the matter, to establish the Married Women’s Protective Act. She broadcasted and influenced the populace into believing that this act will assure women's equal ownership of their husband’s property. This act was enacted in the case of giving them and their children security if they were abandoned by their husband. While Emily Murphy followed her passion, which was an issue in her time; I have followed my passion which is a new age outlook.

Emily Murphy was born on March 14, 1868 in Cookstown, Ontario, she lead an average early life, being born into a legal family; she became an expert in legal practices. Emily married in 1887. Shortly after being married she moves into England and follows her career as a writer under the pseudonym, `Janey Canuck`. She started to attract attention to herself when she moved to Edmonton in 1907. She begins to involve herself in women's rights and in 1910 becomes the first female appointed into the Edmonton Hospital board. Then with the …show more content…

She was born into a legal family and became a self taught legal expert. As Emily gained fundamental experience to benefit her cause, so have I gained experience and knowledge to advance my endeavors. I have gained public speaking skills through Debate and Model UN; I have gained knowledge on the subject while participating in the Let's Talk Science Challenge as well as by joining a Non – Profit Organization dedicated to the advancement of the new norm, just as Emily joined a group dedicated to her cause. Everyone needs knowledge and experience to begin a successful endeavor, just like Emily Murphy

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