
Encryption Vs. Encryption Algorithm

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The message to be stored in the database is converted to cipher text using encryption algorithm and key. The resulting cipher text is then saved in database. When the user needs to get the actual message, he/she decrypts the cipher text with decryption algorithm and the key [3]. Random keys are generated in encryption process and same keys are used to decrypt the data. The security solely depends on the choice of encryption algorithm, key size and how the algorithm is implemented. If any of these criteria goes wrong, it can cause adverse effects in the security of data.
There are different ways by which encryption can be achieved, Encryption by means of algorithms and through Hashing. Different encryptions based on algorithms and key are DES, RC2, AES_128, AES_256 etc [13]. Hashing is the process in which the message is converted to hash value using hash function. For example, the password entered by user is encrypted to hash key value and it is compared with the encrypted password stored in the database. If the result varies, then an invalid username/password is entered. Hash functions commonly in use are MD4, MD5, SHA, SHA-1[13]. Notations used for Encryption scheme
Key is an important requirement in encryption is denoted as public key and sk as private key [5]. Encryption process is denoted by Enc and decryption process is denoted by Dec. Given a plaintext m and key k, encryption is defined as Enc (m, k) and Decryption is defined as

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