
Encyclopedie Observation

Decent Essays

After visiting the exhibit on the encyclopedie I have learned many things in regards to the upcoming French Revolution. During the eighteenth century was the period known as the enlightenment. The enlightenment was most important in terms of emphasizing proven information as opposed to superstition. At this time men and women of the enlightenment developed new ideas and developed intellectual texts. One such text was the encyclopedie which attempted to record all of human knowledge. Of the many things I have learned after visiting the exhibit I believe the most important things I have learned from this experience include: the importance of our current freedoms, the importance of standing up for what’s important to you, and the importance of understanding how language shapes how an individual sees the world. First off, the encyclopedie was published between 1751 and 1772 and as stated previously, attempted to record all of human knowledge. The chief editors of the intellectual text were Denis Diderot and Jean Le Rond d’Alembert. Due to their values and ideas contradicting those of …show more content…

No matter the potential outcome of their actions the encyclopedists continued to created the encyclopedie. In this way they were standing up for what was important to them because they felt it was necessary for them to share their knowledge with the world. Diderot believed liberty to be a gift from heaven and as a natural right bestowed by an intelligent creator. He stood up for this idea through the continued creation of the encyclopedie. Within the encyclopedie he states “The people of a given society are thus obligated to overthrow any ruler who has ignored the natural limits placed upon their power.” Although there were potential risks for their continuing to publish the encyclopedie they pushed on because they understood the importance of standing up for what was important to

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