
End Of Gothic Literature In 'The Woman In Black'

Decent Essays

The book “The Woman in Black” has a better ending to honor the intent of Gothic literature. There are many points in the end of book and movie that affect how everything turns out, and that honor the intent of Gothic literature. The movie uses Gothic literature to show horror and happiness at the end. The book uses Gothic literature to portray death, fear, horror, and gloom. The following paragraphs will explain everything that have used Gothic literature in the movie and book, and why they affect the ending. The ending of the movie affects the reader’s very much by letting them see the horror and happiness that Gothic literature can portray. Towards the end of the movie Arthur finds out about Jennet Humfrye and Nathaniel Drablow, and their deaths from documents and papers he found in the Eel Marsh House. He then saw a visual in the bedroom of Jennet Humfrye hanging herself because she was so depressed. This affects the ending because it shows and tells Arthur how depressed Jennet really was and still is over the loss of her son. Next, Arthur decides to get Samuel Daily to help him pull Jennet Humfrye’s son, Nathaniel Drablow, out of the mud where he died. They then took Nathaniel’s body and put it in the nursery surrounded by some of his things. They do this to try to bring Jennet there, so she can finally be reunited with her son. This affects the ending by showing that even though Arthur is very scared of the Woman in Black, he realizes how horrible Jennet must

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