
End-Of-Life Decisions Raise Both Legal And Ethical Analysis

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While examining the issue related to end-of-life decisions raise both legal and ethical concerns. The issues may be accountable by a number of issues like who the patient is, who has legal competence to determine what course of action is in the best interest of the patient, Pennsylvania state laws, the values of the patient or the patients parents, and the counselor of the patient providing the services. Standard A.9.c reports counselors have the option to break or not break confidentiality in this situation. Throughout the decision making process, Clinical Mental Health counselors need to be engaged in consultation or supervision since the professional has legal, ethical, and moral dirty to warn when the suspect their client may be in danger (Newsome, Gladding, Pg. 68) …show more content…

My morals in this situation is to suggest other Clinical Mental Health counselors to Daniel's parents who can assist him. Therefore, while working with Daniel, I would bring up the five moral principles of the ACA's Code of Ethics: autonomy, justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and fidelity (NASW procedures for professional review,2005). I would ask Daniel his reasoning for suicide. To steer my client in a positive direction, I will inform him on the beneficences of being alive. Lastly, I will address fidelity in hopes of having him aware the concepts of loyalty, faithfulness, and commitments between him and I. Legally, I will report the end-of-life decision and be engaged in the consultation and supervision throughout the decision-making process (Newsome, Gladding, Pg.

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