
End Of The Track-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

End of the Track
Beady windows into unenthused souls put on trial every facet of my existence.
My toothpaste striped t­shirts, scarred tennis shoes, and decaying hair exemplify my worth.
Societal pressure places my head, which swims in a brook of dreams, into an asthmatic headlock.
Why did I not finish college?
Books filled with complex mitochondrial algebra could not pacify my infantile curiosity.
The world held me in her matronly arms as she shouted lessons of life at my fantastical head.
I was deaf to her pleas of practicality and reason, for my forty­eight years outweighed her omniscience. Instead, I lodged myself in the asteroid belt of idealism and ambition where I felt safe.
Lost in the forest of youthful innocence, I stumbled upon ray of golden sun sheathed in a rose cardigan. She had been the Aphrodite of my oceanic dreams; she was the Achilles Heel of my prosaic heart. …show more content…

I followed her like Napoleon into the Russian winter of our love, and her frostbite leaves me shattered. Why did I not fight more for her?
Would my futile pleas have even pierced her selective hearing?
The unrelenting struggle to climb the summit of my darkened soul yields a somnambulatory existence. Reality’s crushing gravity renders me a lifeless zombie trapped in the circuitous game of functioning. How do I go on when my body reeks of failure and pain?
Jealousy and self­deprecation fuel my lethargic limbs to raise more bitter poison to my desolate mouth. Nimble fingers float relief onto my tongue, but my veins burn on.
I crave an express method to alleviate the knives of reality and the lonely.
The sheen of a sunbaked aluminum body draws my aching soul home.
The rush of humid wind shakes my California

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