
Essay about Enduring Self

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Is there an enduring self? John Locke believed, the enduring self is defined by a person’s memory. With memory there is an enduring self, and without it there is no self at all. I believe there is an enduring self, but it is a little more complicated than that. Even if a person encounters a dramatic change to his/her life, they are still the same self, the same person. I believe memory is not the only factor that defines the self. Many things form this enduring self, and these things work together to form an identity, to form who you are now. These things are your memories, your experiences and your personality. You may change and grow over time as you are exposed to new experiences, but under it all you are still But is a …show more content…

I am, essentially, the same person I've always been (and my memories go back to age two ). Hopefully I've honed the good points and dulled the bad points in the last few decades, but really ... at my core ... I'm the same. I just don't think people, at their very core, change that dramatically. Someone who commits a heinous crime (intentionally, not accidentally) always has that innate potential to do it again, IMHO. At any age. Another way of looking at it is to think about cooking. Think of yourself as a base or main ingredient. The more ingriendients you add will affect the taste, consistency, color and even taste, but no matter how many other ingredients you add, the main ingredient is still Time for more on time. With this being said, there is something else I've been curious about. It could argued that our common-sense notion of endurance through time is incorrect. That this mistaken self-conception lead us to experience the passage of time. If so, this would be illusory no? And if this enduring ‘me’ is an illusion then so is the passage of time. In other words, if the enduring ‘me’ is an illusion, then so is the passage of time. Ceasing to think of myself as an enduring subject should result in my ceasing to experience the passage of time no? Coming to think of myself as permanent should result in my coming to experience different temporal parts of myself at different moments, but no "enduring self" past which those moments can flow. Again,

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