
Engaging Others With Leadership. The Healthcare System

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Engaging Others with Leadership The healthcare system includes multiple individuals with unique leadership skills to improve the quality of care for the patients. Leadership can be defined as identifying a goal to motivate others to act a certain way and provide support (Daly, Jackson. Rumsey, Patterson, & Davidson, 2015). Nursing leadership combines both personal traits and theories that depend on the personality of the leader (Scully, 2015). A positive outcome from nursing leadership is that it can build talent, develop future leaders, and improve patient outcomes (Korth, 2016). A concern for nursing leadership can be that engaging is failing to develop quiet leaders who may be might become unnoticed (Scully, 2015). Quiet leaders might …show more content…

Nursing leaders have challenges to advocate values, make decisions, guiding and influencing others with standards of moral care (Hutchinson et al., 2015). Nursing leaders are facing the issue of a higher complex issues needing higher level of leadership skills. This can influence the development of the next generation of nurses to be prepared and value the patient care rather than the profit (Hutchinson et al., 2015).
Evaluation of Teams Ability to Accomplish Task The second life team scenario presented the team’s ability to accomplish the tasks that included the ability to handle differences, maintain team order, appropriately communicate, and provide team cohesiveness. The first task of handling difference between the team members was not accomplished. The second life scenario presented the multidisciplinary the issues with the nurse manager, doctor, nurse, clinical social worker, and public health case manager, which created a situation in each discipline not being able to handle his or her differences. The ability to handle differences requires leadership at all levels of the intent of advancing dynamics of promoting and supporting excellent care between each discipline care (Hutchinson et al., 2015).
The team was not able to maintain team order in the second life scenario. The team members walked out of the meeting because they were upset without a resolution. The

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