
England During The 1970s Essay

Decent Essays

Today the population is estimated to be approximately 66,5 million. During the 1970s the population consisted of mainly white people. In terms of religion, the majority of the population was the church of England or Roman Catholics. England during the 1970s was very different to the England we know today. It had a large working-class population and there was a large and obvious divide between upper, middle and lower-class communities. England during this time was predominately white. In England during the 1970’s there was still an ongoing debate regarding race and social classes, black people were trying to integrate into what was a predominately white society and black immigrants who were arriving were forced to integrate into white …show more content…

During the 1960s and 1970s, Britain received large numbers of immigrants from many different countries. There was a large arrival of Irish immigrants who integrated into British society quite easily, this was predominantly due to the fact that they were of the same ethnic background, shared similarities in terms of religion and spoke the same language. However, there were also other immigrants who arrived in Britain during this time who did not, or were not accepted so easily by British communities. One of these groups who had some problems integrating were Jamaicans. After the second world war, there were many job opportunities in the UK. Jamaican immigrants were arriving for many different reasons such as studies and a higher standard of living, but mainly for employment. At the beginning of the 1960s, it is estimated that around 150,000 immigrants from the west indies lived in Britain, by 1971 this number had almost doubled, there were 313,00 West Indians living in Britain, in these figures Jamaicans accounted for 171,000 of the 313,000. During the 1970s there were also many other smaller groups of immigrants arriving from countries such as Pakistan and

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