“Change is the end result of all true learning”. Leo Buscaglia could not said this phrase any better. Learning new things is my biggest feature in life and I continued to show the effort to learn new information this semester. The moment I stepped my foot in English 111 First Year Composition, it has been a humbling experience. As the semester closes, this class gives me a better opportunity to look back at all I have accomplished with. In the beginning, I really was not interested in the course because reading and writing is not my strongest suit, but I did ended up liking this course after all. I appreciated the bad grade I received on one of my papers because it has aided me in becoming a better writer.
Initially, it was a challenge for me to put my words on paper. I had it my mind, but I was confused on what to put down on paper, which was according to the assignment. My writing showed it all and it explains why I received the grades I got. To help me with my
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For example, I should write a paper where the reader should be able to know what writing is about by reading one sentence. I would have trouble explaining what my paper is about in writing, which is a huge issue because that is what writing is about, expressing what you are thinking or feeling. Getting feedbacks from Professor Morillo helped me as her advice was very helpful.
Yes, of course there were some easy days as well as some difficult ones. My favorite writing from this course was the Literacy Memoir. I loved everything about it because it was me telling my own story and anyone not knowing what’s going to happen next. I was able to write everything that I felt and seen. Narrative writing always been my favorite since elementary despites not loving writing at all. However, days like writing a research paper was a big challenge for me in many ways being for fact that it had to be about literacy and
The primary aim of English 1101 is to prepare the student to effectively communicate, and identify or create new knowledge in various spheres of life. English 1101 assisted me to have control over the writing conventions through extensive writing practice or reading, guided by evaluations and feedbacks from my course instructor. The course contains several topics namely; effective writing processes, rhetorical organizations methods, academic writing formats and styles, critical reading skills, researching, and citing the researched sources.
After completing English 1101, I expected English 1102 to be easier. When I started doing the work in the class and taking tests, I realized that the work was a little more challenging. Now that I have finished the second part of this course, I really have grown to like reading and writing. This course is a great course to take because it has given me a lot of knowledge on how to write a great paper, and it taught me there is a lot of things to write about.
As the Fall 2017 term comes to end, I look back on what I have accomplished in this class. English 102 – Composition II was one of the most challenging and toughest class I have taken at UW-Stout, but feel as though it has helped me to improve my writing skills. Even before the semester started the feeling of anxiety had taken over, as writing has never been my strongest skill, but stayed positive and confident I would be successful. Much to my surprise, my instructor, Michael Critchfield quickly addressed that this class would not be easy and amazingly changed my views of writing throughout the entire semester.
In English 111 I have struggled with many assignments over the course of the semester, picking myself up over time from countless mistakes on papers, to procrastinating on basic class work assignments. Before Fall semester, I had no idea what college would be like, or how hard it could be. Things were not the same as high school; it was different to a point where college seemed a lot harder than it was supposed to be. In English 111, I got the chance to meet new students and different professors that have helped guide me to success throughout the semester.
I intend on acing English 1102 online. Prior to this course, I was home schooled for three and a half years, and many of my classes were online. One of the online programs I used was Florida Virtual. Additionally, I have completed three online college courses—including English 1101. Because I have engaged in online schooling, I have established the skills necessary to devote myself not only to a physical classroom, but also to online environment. In the beginning, being self-motivated was difficult. I transitioned from a public middle school to a self-disciplined online program. My busy mother could do little to help me be accountable for my school work. As time progressed, I wormed myself into a pit of unfinished assignments. My parents stepped
With this letter, I have enclosed my e-portfolio website link explaining about myself, my resume, and professional philosophy.
English 111 was the first class English class that I have taken since my senior year of high school in 2004. When I first signed up for the class I figured it was going to be a bit difficult with reading assignments, I was not expecting to be writing 3 to 5 papers every other week which I found to be hard at first.
The beginning of my junior year seems like it was such a long time ago. This may be because of how much I have grown since the start of the year. When I began AP English, my writing skills needed improvement. For instance, I often used incorrect grammar and struggled with staying on topic. In just one semester, my writing has improved immensely. The more than I write, the more I learn about how to craft a good paper. I have worked on improving my grammar, using rhetoric, addressing my subject, and many more elements of writing. In addition to improving my writing, I have gained many skills to become a better student. I have learned about effective study techniques and time-management skills that allow me to be the most successful. Since I always try my best, I know that over time I will continue to grow in my studies. This year I have gained countless skills that will help me succeed in English in the future.
At 11:15 on Monday, August 17, 2015, my first official college class, English 1101, began. In general, I had no idea what college classes would be like let alone how college English would be. Even though this class taught me a great deal in one semester, it took a large amount of time and effort to make the adjustment from high school. The simplistic writing style of high school was put to rest the moment the first college English class began. As a result, I learned quickly that college writing is complex and less systematic than high school writing. Five paragraph essays with three strict body paragraphs were no longer the norm for writing. Even though my professor helped guide my writing, I was no longer coddled through the whole writing
In ENG 111 I have learned a lot and have truly been very successful. For me it took a certain process to be successful in this class like following the MEAL plan while writing my essays, always coming to class prepared and ready to engage and learn, and all around following the directions that Dr. Kennedy gave me for each assignment. The MEAL plan definitely helped me write more affective research papers which all around helped me succeed in this class because we obviously had to write a couple of essay. Another thing that helped me in this class was just essentially coming to class having done my assignments and ready to discuss whatever it was that we were going to go over that day. Also like in every class the major reason I believe I was
I have only been attending Cleveland State University for two semesters, and as this course comes to an end I feel like I grown and learned many techniques more than ever. I came to Cleveland State University with only my high school knowledge on how to format an argumentative essay, and throughout this course I now know how to write and format many other papers. Taking English 100 has taught me how to break down and analyze an article, it taught me how to find confidence in my work, and it helped me grow to an even better writer.
Despite the review I got on any of these assignments I have taken away a ton from each piece. English 103 has given me a short measure of time to deliver a wide range of composing pieces, and in addition winding up more educated while creating bits of work. Going into English 103 I was to a great degree positive about my written work capacity and did not understand the huge measure of terms and methods I had never known about. The greatest perspective I am detracting from this class is on terms I had never utilized or heard in English class: ethos, feeling, and logos. These three associated terms were acquainted with me at the earliest reference point of the semester and were immediately installed into my brain and my composition. In class
During my first semester of English 9A I found that the hardest book I read was the book our whole class read, To Kill A Mockingbird. I think the reason this was my most challenging book was because of the language and style of writing the author used. While reading the book, I had to learn how the author used certain terms such as “reckon”. I also picked up that the author used apostrophes to identify different accents for certain characters. In chapter 3 when Calpurnia was yelling at Scout, I noticed how the author changed words such as “company” to “comp’ny” and “them” to “‘em”. This was hard at first for me to get used to, but I quickly adapted to it making the book an easier read as I went along.
Throughout this semester in English 101, I have made a significant improvement on multiple things, including how to be an exceptional writer and thinker. English has always been one of my most favored subjects to study because to me it instructs students how to be intelligent, how to become a more creative and critical thinker, and be able to develop ethical values and imagination. You can express yourself more efficiently in English than you can in any other subject. This class has truly made me a more confident writer and helped me express myself in different ways through the different types of papers I wrote. By writing different types of papers I have improved multiple areas of my writing. I have grown as a student in diverse areas such
This first semester at the University of Akron has flown by. I learned many new writing concepts that helped me become a better writer. English composition was a required class that I had to take in order to get my degree. Although this class was required I still wanted to take this class to become more knowledgeable about writing. Coming into English Composition I was worried about all of the papers and the workload that I would have to complete. I knew that I was going to have to write a lot more than I previously had in highschool, but I was unsure of just how much. The works that I decided to include in my portfolio comprise of my Literacy Narrative, Image Analysis Paper, and essay titled Mayas Hardships based on Maya’s experiences in I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. I selected these works because I felt that they are the ones that require the most improvement to them. The papers i've chosen show how far I’ve came In English Composition.