
English 111 Reflection

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“Change is the end result of all true learning”. Leo Buscaglia could not said this phrase any better. Learning new things is my biggest feature in life and I continued to show the effort to learn new information this semester. The moment I stepped my foot in English 111 First Year Composition, it has been a humbling experience. As the semester closes, this class gives me a better opportunity to look back at all I have accomplished with. In the beginning, I really was not interested in the course because reading and writing is not my strongest suit, but I did ended up liking this course after all. I appreciated the bad grade I received on one of my papers because it has aided me in becoming a better writer.
Initially, it was a challenge for me to put my words on paper. I had it my mind, but I was confused on what to put down on paper, which was according to the assignment. My writing showed it all and it explains why I received the grades I got. To help me with my …show more content…

For example, I should write a paper where the reader should be able to know what writing is about by reading one sentence. I would have trouble explaining what my paper is about in writing, which is a huge issue because that is what writing is about, expressing what you are thinking or feeling. Getting feedbacks from Professor Morillo helped me as her advice was very helpful.
Yes, of course there were some easy days as well as some difficult ones. My favorite writing from this course was the Literacy Memoir. I loved everything about it because it was me telling my own story and anyone not knowing what’s going to happen next. I was able to write everything that I felt and seen. Narrative writing always been my favorite since elementary despites not loving writing at all. However, days like writing a research paper was a big challenge for me in many ways being for fact that it had to be about literacy and

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