The Reflection on Life Realities Throughout my fall semester in English 280 I have found myself engaging in more into conversation that have more to do with the way my peers and myself view things. When I say engaging in conversation, I mean that I have not only just voice my opinion, but I have analyze my thoughts for proper evidence. After leaving my old school, Lincoln College, I thought I understood how to engage in conversation with my papers. I had to do my research for my paper to give creditable evidence for my papers. However when coming to WIU going into English 280, I was about to voice my opinion a little more. I was able to tell how I felt about a certain situation. I was able to analyze …show more content…
One of the things we needed to know was how to research about the topic of conversation. With paper 2 we broaden our horizon with researching. Without research on a topic for conversation, you would only have open-thoughts opinion. Paper 2 actually helped changed that for many students, including myself. My topic for the paper was based on social media ruining the hip-hop culture. When doing the paper I had to first make question on the conversation. With the help of Ms. Wherley, I was able to have many solid to ask when doing the research. After constructing the question I went and start researching the questions for the paper. I looked for certain topics on my question about the social media affecting the hip-hop culture. One topic I searched for was what social media meant for the hip-hop culture. I found that music mogul Russell Simmons gave an article with his comments on how social media was good for the hip-hop culture. When seeing his comments I agreed with some of the things he was saying, like social media helps find new unheard talent. However, I still felt that the problem with social media was more detailed that finding new talent. So I kept researching for my answer. I still used the Russell Simmons article to help show the positive side of social media and hip-hop. Late I found a video on YouTube talking about social media had ruined the rap beef between rappers Drake and Meek Mills. After watching the video I found evidence on how social media helped ruined something dear to the hip-hop culture. I explained what rap beef meant for hip-hop and how social media made a mockery of the beef. I also finished my research finding more information from hip-hop site Hip-Hop DX. Research from this website explained the top five things that killed the true art of hip-hop. Tis website is a prominent site for hip-hop making it liable for my paper. On the site they had social media as number one
As a new immigrant, I took the accuplacer test and went straight to 111 English level. So, English 111 course became my first college English class. It seems like a great achievement for a French speaker. Nonetheless, this performance linked to significant challenges. Even though I am a fighter and an optimist, I was frightened about my academic achievement for this semester. The problems became bigger when I took my first practice test on sentence structure (fragments and run-ons) and got a D. I was frightened and felt that I will have to drop the class. However, I decided not to give up. I started working hard and had a V+ on the next test. This positive grade energized me until now. During this semester, I have much homework and practices which allow me to identify some strengths, weaknesses, and gave me lots of skills for my English 112 class and the future.
Over the past decades, Globalization had made the world a much smaller place. In the passage While I was Sleeping by Thomas L Freidman and The Rise of the Rest by Fareed Zakaria, there is a connection between the two passage. Thomas L. Freidman use the metaphor "the world is flat" which mean there are many competition in the world now. Fareed Zakaria address the U.S power is diminishing because the rest of the world is catching up. Along with the diminishing power, America is also outsourcing jobs to other nations where labor are cheap, and abundant of natural resource are available for use, but it is taking jobs away from many American.
My overall experience in English 101 has definitely changed the style in which I read and write. This online English 101 course has introduced me to many different types of writing that I did not know even existed. From weekly discussion boards, to the interview college, to the rhetorical analysis and research essay, I have learned how to properly and effectively write with many different tones and attitudes. Not only have I learned how to write with many tones and attitudes but I have also strongly caught onto the concept of how to address multiple audience groups in the most appropriate way possible. After reflecting on all of the concepts I have discovered in English 101 this semester, I have realized that I have not only grown tremendously
This year, AP English 3 has been my favorite class because of the wide variety of topics that we covered and the essay writing skills that we learned. By providing a large educational basis to students' writing, this class expands the learner's ability to communicate in a profesional, educational manner, a skill with which they will use for the rest of their life. As well as scoring eights (on a nine-point scale) on several English papers, the skills that I have grown and nurtured throughout the semester have helped me score fives or sixes on my AP US History essays (on a six-point scale). Through learning how to go in-depth and synthesize a topic, AP English 3 has taught me how to consistently score high grades on AP essays, as well as communicate
By taking English 102, it has given me skills to help become a college level writer. It is important to become a college level writer so that it better prepares me for future college courses. College level writing is going to be extremely important for me especially, as I go into law school, and hoping to be a future lawyer. During this course, I have learned how to better incorporate research and evidence into my essays, whether that be to help prove a point or to just provide general background knowledge on an issue. English 102 has helped prepare me as well on helping me become a better writer, by helping me understand what a good source is to use and how to apply these aspects of research without showing bias, but simply stating the facts. Through
I am interested in taking English llA because I want to challenge myself into learning more things and becoming a better writer. Throughout the year I have learned to improve my writing skills by learning how to use MLA citations properly which were different from the way I used them in middle school. I was glad I learned more about this which fixed my writing and will help me later in writing essays. Given a chance to take English IIA, I would be able to learn numerously more skills and widen my variety of
This English 280 class need aided me to an assortment about routes to getting also sharpening aptitudes in composing. A standout amongst those necessities of the diary passage may be with note down the things we need taken in. Eventually Tom's perusing completing so, I am capable will hold majority of the data finer in view I am reviewing it through composing it down. Aside from this, i discovered how on create a few sorts about essays including: professional, informal, causal, result in Also effect, also contentious and might have been provided for the design to composing these. Each week, the class might have been provided for a standout amongst these sorts from claiming exposition on compose Also All around the class periods, I might begin and complete
English IV is the last English you have to have before you graduate. It focuses on reading and writing. It also implements listening and multitasking a little. You have to read several thrilling books and write an essay every other week or so. It also teaches public speaking. There are several projects that include presenting at the front of the class. This class will help tremendously with future endeavors as well. Whether you come to school everyday or not, this class teaches you alot.
I'm writing this in the hopes that whomever it is that I should contact for help with scheduling may find it. I am not entirely sure if it is currently going to someone whom it may concern as the only counseling email listed is yours. If you are capable of assisting with this plight, please disregard this paragraph, otherwise I ask that you please forward it to whoever will best handle it.
The Fall Quarter here at Bellevue College has helped me increase and further enhance my writing capabilities. Having to forget all my past knowledge in high school level writing was challenging but necessary. In the past, my writing never had the opportunity to progress. My high school essays were all carbon copies of each other. I would do the bare minimum and not put any effort into my writing, but still I would somehow receive a passing grade. The majority of the time I would wait until the night before the essay was due to start it. It would usually take me less than three hours to complete a paper. I became more focused on doing exactly what the teacher wanted than working on developing my style and enhancing my writing skills. After taking English 101, I have learned that writing is a process and I can’t write an essay the night before it’s due and expect a satisfactory grade. Taking English 101 has led me to think more critically towards my writing and others, develop style and tone, and learn how to use collaboration to my benefit.
When I first got accepted into Stuyvesant High School, I heard countless of rumors stating: “Oh the workload is terrible”, “The competition is so fierce” or “Out of schoolwork, extracurriculars, or sleep: you can only pick two.” I found it hard to let it faze me, since I graduated from one of the most prestigious middle schools. However, the rumors transformed into reality when I stepped into Mr. Nieves’ Freshman Composition Class. The workload at the beginning of the year was brutal, coupled with assignments from other core classes that seem unaware of the workload of other teachers. Reading assignments were a regular, and there were journal entries and occasional quizzes to keep us in line. What made it bearable was the friends I made in that class; everyone had their own opinion about the topic we were talking about, and listening to other perspectives really broadened my horizon and enriched my learning experience in Stuy. Another thing that this class has taught me is the importance of time management, a skill that I will carry on for the rest of my high school career and life. When I choose to sign up for Mr. Nieves’ AP American Literature class in my Junior Year, I was hoping to relive the discussion-based lesson plans and meet more outstanding peers. I was not disappointed, to say the least, reflecting through all the experiences at the end of the course. The lesson plans he laid out for us were an interesting mix between small lectures and class output, and what I
In this memo, I have chosen three topics to submit for my research project this semester in English 210.
Ms. Sullivan is a third grade teacher at an elementary school where English language learners (ELLs) make up approximately 85 percent of the student population. The majority of the third graders she teaches are of Asian, African American, and Hispanic ethnicities and seem to be within the intermediate stages of English language proficiency. In the video lesson, Ms. Sullivan presents a whole group math lesson measuring temperature using a thermometer. In this lesson, Ms. Sullivan utilizes a wide variety of sheltered instructional strategies to improve her ELLs’ language development.
In the first quest from the semester, summary and analysis of “Cheer up, it’s only the end of the world” by Ira Chernus, the thesis of my paper was the thesis of the article too. “The Article, “Cheer up, it’s only the end of the world” states that there are two major threats to the world which could lead to an apocalypse: nuclear extermination and environmental extinction.” From my first paper to my last, I could see a difference in how I wrote. I had a lot of minor mistakes that I skimmed over. My quotations around certain texts were incorrect. I did not give a lot of detail in my analysis, but I did use several examples from the original work to add supporting details of my summary and analysis.
Many people experience exclusion in their lives; yet, when they feel included, they experience the process of healing. In the memoir Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Power of Adversity, Dw Brees’ journey to healing is explored. This experience of exclusion to inclusion is also discussed in Becoming Human by Jean Vanier. The New Orleans Saints accepted Drew, a severely injured quarterback at the time, just as Jean Vanier accepted people with intellectual disabilities into L’Arche. Withal, Drew is given the opportunity to motivate and inspire his team, and those people included in the L’Arche community are given the opportunity to develop new, meaningful relationships. For Drew, having this opportunity results in a milestone for the whole team that represents hope for New Orleans, while the people with intellectual disabilities being able to be in an inclusive community result in the maturity of the heart. Both works suggest that being inclusive towards other people, especially those excluded in society, by welcoming them into a particular community result in a person’s internal and external healing.