
Enlightened Regulatory Capture: A Literature Review

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Likewise, "Enlightened Regulatory Capture" by David Thaw, contributed alternative views of the role of interest groups and exterior actors in the public policy making process. This will be a beneficial component of literature because it will express how the regulatory process must, inevitably, have active outside players to run effectively. When addressing the issues of regulatory capturing in the industry and executive agencies, it will be important to consider balancing the role of outside players.
While academics, economists, and political scientists nearly universally credit the theories of regulatory capture as having merit, the literature and empirical evidence of regulatory capture in the case of pharmaceutical regulation is divided. …show more content…

The works of Fran Hawthorne, Philip Hilts, and Christopher H. Foreman Jr. help create a dynamic narrative about the creation, evolution, and growth of the FDA. In her book Inside the FDA: The Business and Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the Food We Eat, Fran Hawthorne discusses how the FDA responds to pharmaceutical scandals, exterior pressures, and the changing political climate, greatly contributing to my study of Reagan’s influence on the FDA. She focuses on various case studies such as Voixx and the AIDS/HIV epidemic, while touching lightly on how various presidential administrations have affected the agency. This pairs well with Philip Hilts’ Protecting America’s Health: The FDA, Business, and One Hundred Years of Regulation, which covers many of the same topics with a different perspective. Likewise, Christopher H. Foreman Jr.’s Plages, Products, and Politics addresses many of the political concerns surrounding the FDA. Pill Politics: Drugs and the FDA, by Stephen J. Ceccoli, addresses the evolution of the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA with a critical

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