
Enslaved African Americans

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Consuming natural remedies to recover from ailments appeared to be a very significant and common practice amongst enslaved African Americans and Native Americans. In the article Indians, Europeans and the New World Disease, Calloway thoroughly describes how the native American people were accustomed to plant life, therefore used nature and wildlife to their advantage to create healing remedies. African American slaves also used plants to make tea. These means were extremely excellent precautions for preventing illnesses or for fighting one. Despite all of this the Native American people still got sick due to the lack of respiratory hygiene. The Europeans brought a number of germs and diseases with them, that surely turned into great outbreaks. Many Indians contracted these diseases and died, ironically enough the Indian individuals who acquired the disease have not yet met a European. The ailment was passed on inland by distant neighbors. Native Americans took very good care of each …show more content…

The enslaved African American healers took exceedingly good care of the sick. In the nineteenth century many of the medicine were not prepackaged, therefore the house healers often had to mix and cook the medicine before administering it. Washing the pungent and horrid smelling bed sheets, feeding the patients bland food for better treatment and bathing the sick. The task at hand was quite indistinguishable to Women’s work. The Native Americans aided the Europeans with their diseases by providing cures. Many settlers used the Native American remedies due to the fact that they were very effective. The Europeans were astonished, and curious as to how the Indians prepared their medicine. However, the Native Americans did not have a cure for the stronger ailments carried by the Europeans, namely the black death. The black death was by far one of the most widespread pandemics, killing 33 percent of

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