
Entering The Digital Age : Digital Impressions Essay

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Comment Powered by Running head: ENTERING THE DIGITAL AGE: DIGITAL IMPRESSIONS 1 Entering the Digital Age: Digital Impressions Glendy Gallardo Bellingham Technical College ENTERING THE DIGITAL AGE: DIGITAL IMPRESSIONS 2 Abstract This paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of the iTero Intraoral Scanner and its significant relationship to dental clinics. Several studies will demonstrate the work that still needs to be done to prove that elastomeric impressions are not as accurate and precise as the STLs and its DIs. This paper examines several reviews on how beneficial it can be to implement the scanner to dental clinics in order to create more opportunities for patient satisfaction and clinical success (Olson, 2015). However, with the difficult learning curve, it will show how dentists are still apprehensive to purchase these machines. Keywords: Standard Tessellation Language, Digital Images ENTERING THE DIGITAL AGE: DIGITAL IMPRESSIONS 3 Entering the Digital Age: Scanning Impressions Technological Advances It has come as no surprise that technology and science have made incredible advances to everyday life. Likewise, advances have worked their way into dental clinics. During the 1980’s, the first digital scanner was introduced (Nayar and Mahadevan, 2015). Over the past couple of years, more dental clinics have started implementing intraoral digital scanning as another way to

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