
Entitlement In Frankenstein

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A famous writer, C.S. Lewis, once said, "Relying on God has to start all over everyday, as if nothing has yet been done”. People struggle daily with their faith lives, some reject faith altogether, some just question everything, and others just go through the motions. Men and women face obstacles and experiences daily. Individuals have the option of either learning from their obstacles and experiences through their faith life or ignore God and blame almost everything on bad luck. People can learn from other individual’s spiritual messages and learn from their mistakes. Mary Shelly in Frankenstein wants to help others in their faith journey through the lens of Victor. In Frankenstein, Mary Shelly, uses the negative example of Victor Frankenstein’s …show more content…

Victor announces in chapter one that, “whose future it was in their hands to direct to happiness or misery, according as they fulfilled their duties towards me” pg. 38. Victor feels that he does not owe anyone anything, but people owe him. He thinks that if he creates the creature we would receive accolades by the creature and others. Mary Shelly gives the spiritual message on entitlement. God created men to love others and to aim to act more like Jesus did. Entitlement leads to spiritual laziness and laziness in general. Mankind is called to go out and help others by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, attending mass, praising God, and putting others before themselves. God does not anyone anything. God sent down his only son to die for mankind’s sins. Entitlement damages not only a relationship with God but others. God created mankind to work hard and have faith. Entitlement prohibits individuals from using their God given talents and caring for Gods people because the person feels everyone owes them something. In chapter five Victor describes his creator as tall, powerful, muscular and, “his features as beautiful…his hair was of lustrous black and flowing: his teeth of pearly whiteness” pg. 75. Victor sees himself in the creature, and a reflection of how he sees himself. A walking monument. People need to bow down to him and praise him. Victor sees …show more content…

After the creature is created and runs away, the creature kills his brother, William, Victor does nothing to stop Justine from facing trial. Victor says, “I believed in her innocence, I knew it. I did not for a minute doubt the demon murdered my brother…Justine was condemned” pg. 123. Victor is resentment towards the creature for putting him through so much misery and ruining his life. Victor wants to destroy the creature and blames the creature for all his problems. Victor does not help to prove Justine innocence and lets her die for his irresponsibly. Victor thinks not helping Justine was not wrong because he will destroy the monster himself. Mary Shelly gives the spiritual message of sin. People try all the time to justify their sins and give the message that if it feels right and makes one happy than nothing wrong was done. Mary Shelly wants to spread the message that the devil plays with the mind to manipulate people and sin does not change upon feelings. Victor explains that, “My father was not scientific, and I was left to struggle with a child's blindness, added to a student's thirst for knowledge” pg. 48. Victor has resentment towards his father because he did not support Victors passion for science. Victor rebels against his father and goes to study science and create something. Victor goes to create the monster to prove to himself that his father knows nothing, and victor goes on a

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