
Entry Plan Reflection

Decent Essays

Entry Plan Reflection

When critiquing my Entry Plan for a Principalship paper I found that there would be a few things that I would change after taking the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) course 670: The Principalship and ELPS 605: External Environments. Through the instruction provided by the instructors, the group discussions, and the assignments in both of these classes, I feel I have a better understanding of data and how to read and write a school’s Unified Improvement Plan (UIP). I also have learned about other measures of data, such as the TELL perception survey. Using qualitative data in combination with the quantitative data found on the SchoolView website at the Colorado Department of Education has a more …show more content…

Social justice and racial equity conversations must be included in the school’s curriculum. It would be a great way to incorporate the feeder International Baccalaureate Elementary School’s curriculum delivery model, which enhances character education and international mindedness. Having the paper reorganized in a manner to highlight the data, as well as incorporating the connection to the feeder school, would have made it easier for the readers to identify where my actions connected to the data of the subgroups studied.
In addition to changing the layout of the paper, I would add an additional qualitative survey. It is imperative to have a diverse array of data when analysing a school and the implications that each has on student learning. By including the TELL perception survey, I was able to connect my relationship goal to data, which improved the validity of the action steps taken. Using the data from the teacher surveys also related to the professional development processes which I want to instate at the new school. Through the coursework this semester, I was reminded that qualitative data is an important part of analysing a school’s climate and culture, therefore, affecting student success.
Finally, to improve my paper, I would identify the sources of all data when creating action steps. Referencing the source of data when stating action items to address needs, it creates a system of connection. It reduces confusion as to where

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