
Environment And DAPL Lectures

Decent Essays

For my event immersion, I chose to attend two different lectures. Specifically, the power of knowledge: higher education, reintegration and liberation, as well as the environment/DAPL lecture. Both lectures served as a reminder of what is necessary towards a focus on education in society. I decided to look at both lectures because of my interest in how the two potentially collide based off an interesting that I had personally. Socialization is one aspect of the conversation that does not necessarily come forth, but holds a large degree of relevance.
The significance of these lectures is that they all revolve around a need for people to be more understanding of one another through education. Education serves as a vehicle that helps people to …show more content…

The lecture that I attended was a conversation on the environment and the DAPL. The DAPL is the Dakota Access Pipe Line, which is a point of significant conversation in the United States currently. There is an underlying focus here, where there is a sense in the lecture that emphasizes the fact that there is a butting of heads on this conversation based off the concerns about the pipeline itself. For starters, the pipeline is not something that is necessarily a partisan issue. However, it does represent two differing views, on the environment and subsequently, there has not been any success in regards to resolving the issues. A pressing issue here is the factors that go into discerning the value of a project. As Oliver and Shapiro (2008) discuss, the fact that there is some degree of racial inequality at play in these types of conflicts, especially as issues like “poor education, high joblessness, low incomes and the subsequence hardships of poverty” (p. 169) impact many. The question set forth here is the factors that differentiate the issue due in part to the fact that the DAPL impacts largely Native American people. Their plight suddenly becomes considerably less important because of these various implications. Education and socialization plays a large role in this conversation, especially as it corresponds to the earlier lecture and the notes made by Harro. The environment is not an issue …show more content…

The issue here is based on the fact that socialization ultimately works in hand with education and it applies the identities. That is, Harro (2008) found that “identities are ascribed to us at birth through no effort or decision or choice of our own” (p. 46). Considering this, it becomes increasingly difficult to create a “us vs them” scenario. When in reality, it is two groups of people who have grown up believing two different ideologies, and there is not really any type of dynamic change that is associated with this conversation. The contrast of these two conversations only add to the ongoing understanding of how difficult it is to have a difference if any. The more important conversation that is occurring here is ultimately how can one bridge the gap of knowledge and conversation that is occurring here.
Society currently stands at odds due in part to the fact that there is a gap in knowledge and socialization is at the heart of it. In the instances provided by both lecturers, they are tied by the fact that there is no real manner upon which their issues can be resolved because socialization ultimately acts as the judge and jury. They are both looking to bridge the gap between the two parties at odds that have developed. However, as Harro stated, there isn’t a realistic solution due in part to the fact that socialization is so significant in this

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