
Structure Of Beowulf Essay

Decent Essays

Structure of the Epic
An Analysis of the Structure of the Poem Beowulf. Structure is a grand part of life and it is seen everywhere in this world. There is structure when it comes to building anything that the builder wishes to last. When most people think of structure they mainly think of Buildings, like the pyramids and old houses. In fact, that is what think of when I hear the word structure, but the fact is other things can also have structure. One of these other things can be books or even poems. Lots of epic poems have and rely heavily on their structure to prove a point or give a message to the reader. The Beowulf epic has its own form of structure. The poem being broken up into three parts with a monster that Beowulf fights in each …show more content…

The first part was to explain the threat of Grendel to the Danes’ mead hall, Herot. Then this part also told of why and how Beowulf came to the aid of the Dane’s. At the end of this part within a part it explains Beowulf’s plan to fight Grendel. The second part of the first part of Beowulf was the actual fight with Grendel and how Beowulf tore off one of the monster’s arms to keep as a trophy as the monster fled back to his home in the bog. The last part of this part tells of the celebration the Danes gave Beowulf and his men for coming over from the land of the Geats to helping them defeat the monster that had been terrorizing them for a long time, doesn’t say how long Grendel has been fighting the Danes. Also it starts the transition to the next part by telling what Grendel’s mother does that night after the Danes merry …show more content…

Hrothgar then tells Beowulf of the monster’s mother and their lair in the marshlands. Beowulf telling Hrothgar to suck it up and go avenge the death of his friend by fighting the monster, leads to Beowulf going out again to help the Dane’s fight Grendel’s mother and he does it this time in full armor and a sword were as with Grendel Beowulf fought bare handed. The second part of the second part of the poem was like the first, except Beowulf was fighting Grendel’s mother not Grendel this time. It tell how Beowulf could not use his sword to fight this monster, but slay her with a sword that was already in her cave. This other sword had magic in it whereas Beowulf’s sword was just a regular sword. The second part ends with the king of the Danes warning Beowulf to beware of pride for in his older age it might kill

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