
Epigenetic Research Paper

Decent Essays

Epigenetics and the factors that relate to Organisms Diversity The development and importance of epigenetics has revealed to the world the explanation of many gene expressing mutations also factors that may account for genetic variation. The result of this observation helped many scientists around the world cures as well as new analysis methods to help survivors .The understanding obtained from the discovery of epigenetics has and will continue to inform ways of preventing and manipulating genetic expressions to our advantage throughout these upcoming generations. Throughout this essay response, the following information will cover the focus on how epigenetics can account for genetic variability in organisms, it will also relate to factors …show more content…

This process of natural selection can lead to significant changes in the appearance, behavior, or physiology of individuals in a population.Generally, mutation is reversed. DNA repair machines are constantly at work in our cells, fixing mismatched nucleotides and splicing broken DNA strands back together. Yet. some DNA changes remain. If a cell accumulates too many changes—if its DNA is so damaged that repair machinery cannot fix it—it either stops dividing or it self-destructs. If any of these processes go wrong, the cell could become cancerous. Environmental Factors …show more content…

Epigenetic factors are compounds that attach to, or "mark" DNA. These factors interact with genetic material, but do not change the underlying DNA sequence. Instead, they act as chemical tags, indicating what, where, and when genes should be "turned on" or expressed. Some epigenetic factors come from natural sources or are even encoded in the DNA, and are a normal part of gene regulation. That is, the epigenome helps control which genes are active in a particular cell, and therefore, which proteins are transcribed locally. For example, epigenetic factors tell brain cells to act like brain cells, and skin cells to behave like skin cells. In the absence of a normal epigenome, disease can occur. These factors are also increasingly implicated in social and behavioral traits.
FActor four: A frameshift mutation also called a framing error or a reading frameshift is a genetic mutation caused by insertions or deletions of a number of nucleotides in a DNA sequence that is not divisible by three. Due to the triplet nature of gene expression by codons, the insertion or deletion can change the reading frame the grouping of the codons, resulting in a completely different translation from the original. The earlier in the sequence the deletion or insertion occurs, the more altered the

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