7 More Years
The children unlocked the door. With tears on her face, Margot slowly walked towards the door and pushed it lightly. The kids glanced at each other, wondering who was going to tell her about the event. They all felt extremely guilty.“We….um”, one of them started.
“I was right”, Margot began.
“The sun came out, didn’t it?”
“Uh….well… yes”.
The children all looked at the ground sadly, not knowing what else to say. They couldn’t help but feel horrible. Margot silently walked past them. She had a chance to see the sun again, and had missed it because of the class. She was able to see the sunlight through the crack of the door, but she wanted to see the real deal. When the teacher saw Margot with tear stains on her face, she immediately came to a realization. She had never seen Margot with any of the kids. Where was she? She was definitely not outside. “M-Margot, you weren’t outside, were you?”, the teacher questioned. The girl just stared out into space, she didn’t know what to say.
“Why didn’t you come out? Where were you?”
Margot was silent. “She was kind of locked in there”, William announced, pointing at the closet. He was speaking for himself and all the children.
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William and the rest of the kids knew what they did was terribly wrong. The teacher pulled the group into her classroom, letting the girl settle her thoughts and freeroam. Tears rolled down her face as she let all of her emotions spill, she felt anger, jealousy, and sadness all at the same time. “7 more years”, she thought. “7 more years until I can see the sun
In the story it states after the teacher walks in and asks “are we all here?” and the children reply “yes” this shows that because there was not enough control the seize the opportunity to tease Margot and lock her in the closet. It also states “ Get away! The boy gave her another push” this explains that if the teacher had been there she would not have let the children bully Margot, but because she was not the children were allowed to tease Margot and lock her in the closet showing that they need more control than what they currently
All of the students looked at Margot with saddened faces. “We were so caught up in the moment of the sun coming out,” a boy said. “We didn’t mean to have you miss the sun, we thought you were lying.” Margot looked like she was inside of a blender, and all of the knives were cutting her up. She was tired and beaten. Her hair was all frizzy, and she had some bumps on her shoulder from trying to bust down the door.
Her eyes were blinded by the sight of the lightning. Margot stepped slowly out of the closet. She looked at all of her so called “friends” thinking of why they did this to her. She thought, “What did I do to them to deserve this?” She had never shoved their faces in the dirt, or stolen their lunches, she had never spoken a word to anyone. Maybe that was the problem? She cared for the other children even though, they were not as intelligent or self-assured as she was. She didn’t degrade them for this, in fact, she wanted to be like them. Margot hated every part of being different. She wanted to forget the sun that she used to see and be like the children.
Margot’s classmates end up feeling awful about locking her in a closet while the sun came out for a short amount of time. Even though they knew Margot was desperate for the feeling of sun rays on her face and the bright glimmer of fire in the sky to cause her eyes to squint, they decided to hide her from that opportunity and ultimately regret this decision. An example from the text is, “ They stood as if someone had driven them, like so many stakes, into the floor. They looked at each other and then looked away.”
She quietly walked to the door and pushed it open. Her face went pale and her mouth opened to let out a scream. For there in front of her was a child with ghostly white skin and bright red hair, jumping rope in the middle of her room. When the scream finally came out of May’s mouth, she
While Margot was at school her classmates had put her in the closet because they hated her! They use a violent motion to put her in the closet and slammed it shut and locked it! Their teacher was out of the classroom when this happened and when she came back the rain had stopped and the students was rushing her to go outside! She knows how much they wanted to see the sun and she wanted to see they because it has been 7 years!
She decided to look down for the rest of the walk after getting glared at by a passerby. As she was watching her feet and skipping over the cracks in the pavement, something had yanked the back of her jacket. Whipping around, Becca saw a shambled family. They were tan and soaking wet; their cardboard home shaped the background of the frightening portrait Becca was faced with. A wave of angry words, desperate words confronted her, echoing without meaning her mind. The mother of the two children fell to her knees weeping, pleading for something Becca would never exactly know. The daughter, the girl Becca realized pulled her jacket, stared at her. Dark chocolate colored eyes were melting with the heat of her pain and her brittle lips smoked with the speed of her pleading words. Becca was being pulled away unknowingly when she heard a familiar rumble coming from the pit of the girl’s stomach. And just as soon as the encounter had happened, it was over. Concern replaced the sound of desperation and she let her family know she was fine. She went back to looking at her feet. In a couple of minutes, Becca’s family arrived at the
In the passage, all the school children, sad that the clouds have engulfed the sun for another seven years, run back to shelter only to remember that they left Margot inside the closet the whole time. After seeing the sun for the for the first time they were old enough to remember the children might have regretted locking up Margot in the closet. Now that the kids will remember what the sun is they understood Margot. After playing and running in the hot glorious sun they know what they have been missing their whole life. Margot remembers the sun when she lived on earth when it shined more often. At one time she probably played with the sun shining on her back just like the kids on Venus did. Now the kids understood why she stayed quiet
Just because Margot had seen the sun didn’t give the kids a reason to be mean to her. When the kids decided to lock her in a closet it was because they were jealous. Instead of being jealous they could have asked her questions. “I think the sun is a flower; That blooms for just one hour: That was Margot’s poem, read in a quiet voice in still classroom while the rain was falling outside.” According to Bradbury even children were saying that she was lying, “You’re lying, you don’t remember! cried the children.” Being mean even for
Margot has this sturdy confidence that her schoolmates lack. The narrator said “…she knew she was different.” (page 2) It shows that Margot knew her beliefs well enough, she knew she was special. However, the other children were frightened to be forsaken, because they do not have a recollection to grasp. Margot’s classmates knew that they need to adapt with the others for them to have a source of identity. Margot has developed a very strong connection to the sun that made her beliefs firm. “But this is the day the scientists predict, they say, they know, the sun…”(Page 2) Margot said helplessly but the other children laughed and replied “It was all a joke!” (Page 3). Margot was certain that the sun was coming; unlike the other children who cast away hope because they never caught a sight of it all their lives. The children do not have a memory to look back into; as a result they do not have the same conviction as
They said that since “she had refused to shower in the school shower rooms, she had clutched her hands to her ears and over her head, screaming in the water mustn't touch her head.” This just goes to epitomize the fact that Margot was different from the others because she hadn’t been used to the rain everyday and the other kids had been used to it. They said stuff about her that made her feel hopeless and disowned from the others which had caused her to be in a miserable mood all of the time. Also, the children mocked her with her memories of the sun and she said back to them “It’s like a penny,” and “It’s like a fire in the stove.” The children came back at her screaming, “No it’s not, you’re lying you don’t remember!”
“There's no hope left, the whole house is going to burn,” i yell out in fear as the ravishing heat hits my face as if it was a sucker punch. Macey calls all her children and the 4 kids run in order outside the house. “Wheres Ben !?” “We couldn't help him ma, the door collapsed and we couldn't go into his room to help him,” Will whimpers on the floor sobbing his pain away. In a heartbeat we see MAcey run in for her child, we yell out , “don't go, there isn’t nothing we can do!” She's gone in a beat of a second. Will escapes my grasp and follows his mother. Cracks are heard the house was tilting and in a blink of an eye it all collapse. My world had fallen into ashes like my home, my life had endured at that moment a pain that is un-humane, something that man suffers when their life is coming to an end. I had lost more than just a home, i had lost pieces of my within that burning
As i slowly open the door i see the look on one kids face his eyes are huge and he’s about to cry and he’s shivering with fear. The door is open now and i’m almost to my spot that's over by the whiteboard when
All saw was a big pile of sadness. A once hopeful girl for the future is now a depressed sad girl. Margot had missed the beautiful shine and how it brings warmth to her pale skin. Margot stepped out of the closet slowly. Margot’s heart is beating as fast a cheetah. The children were scared for they did not know what Margot was going to do next. Margot moped madly. As Margot walked away she heard the thunder laughing at her. Margot started running. Then she heard the wind whispering even louder than what it was before. Margot sprinted to her bedroom. Margot immediately pounced on her bed like a predator attacking its prey. Then ZAP BANG BOW. The lightning got even louder. Margot got consumed with her sadness . Margot finally fell asleep. Margot
Maddie, a girl who stood by while Wanda was ridiculed about her dresses, felt very sick inside. She was a part of making someone so unhappy she had moved away to the city. Repentant Maddie and her friend