
Epilogue To The Necklace Essay

Decent Essays

Mme. Forestier , quite overcome , clasped her by the hands. “Oh my , poor Mathilde . But mine was only paste . Why , at most it was worth five hundred francs!”

Mme . Loisel eyes filled with anger . “Why didn't you tell me that when you lended me the necklace . I have spent the last ten years of my life cleaning and scrubbing floors trying to buy a new necklace.”

Mme . Forestier’s reaction was shoked . “ Oh my I am very sorry Mathilde if you would have told me in the first place that you had lost the necklace I would have told you”

Mme . Loisel closed her eyes and calmed down her temper . “ I am very sorry Mme. Forestier could you forgive me for screaming at you . I should have told you the truth from the start

“It is okay” …show more content…

Are you alright you seem like you are hiding something” . , he replied

Mme Loisel stood in silence “ well their is something I have to confess”

“Well what is it ?” , he asked curiously

“ I saw today Mme. Forester and I told her the truth about the necklace” , she said quietly “ Was she mad ?” , he asked with a worry on his face Mme. Loisel took a deep breath “ No she was not mad , I told her that these past ten years we have been working very hard to buy her the same one . But then it turns out that she told me that the necklace was paste , and that it was only worth 500 francs. Are you mad ?”

“ Well why would I be mad . If that is the case we should sell the real necklace and buy the rifle that I have always wanted” , he said with peace

And so it was Mr. and Mrs . Loisel sold the necklace and went hunting every weekend that they could , and they bonded more together .

“ Your are telling me that I have spent the last ten years of my life in debts working all day and night just to pay off that necklace . So that it ends of being paste!” , he said with an angry expression on his face “ I am very sorry . I shouldn't have gone to that party in the first place” , replied Mme. Loisel with a guilty expression on her

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