
Equal Wage Essay

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Despite the fact that the Equal Pay Act has been law since 1963, many problems inevitably arise in the administration of equal pay laws (Fisher). It has been estimated that at this current slow rate of progression in closing the gender pay gap it will be 2068 by the time men and women’s wages are equalized. It is clear that the business case, as well as the legislative case, has a significant role to play (Commission Policy Report). There are some factors which stop or slow equal pay for genders. These are behavioral factors, corporate culture and policies, human resource practices and social and environmental factors (Giapponi and McEvoy, 2006).
Behavioral factors are related with lack of awareness of pay inequity. Women do not aware or …show more content…

Some organizations are unwilling to show their reward systems and pay policies (Lawler, 1995). Many Human Resources professionals believe gender pay gaps to be resolvable through the monitoring of pay levels and communication (Report on Salary Surveys).Greater pay transparency has been a great benefit to the board, employees and managers as they now know what is happening across the business and they are able to confidently justify their actions (Commission Policy Report).All market-related supplements are recorded and reviewed separately from basic salary to ensure openness and transparency. Regular research market rates within the various labor markets in which they operate is undertaken improving transparency would also help to improve talent development, as employees would be able to see what they could earn if they wanted to move to another division and upgrade their skill set. (Commission Policy Report).
Human resources practices are related with the pay of new hires on their salary history, rather than on responsibility and experience, also perpetuates the wage gap. (Human Resource Management Department Report). When increases in salary for promotions are based on current salary, women have difficulty catching up to their male counterparts. According to the National Committee on Pay Equity, stereotyping continues, since

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