
Equality, Diversity, and Democracy

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Justice and Equality Cannot Coexist, For When One is Achieved the Other is Infringed Upon:
Equality, diversity, and democracy are the three components that America claims to revolve around, but unfortunately lacks. America is a nation filled with envy, rage, and such preposterous behaviors and actions. Since the founding of the nation, to the present of America, and according to the predicament of the future, this territorial notion that America abides by is slowly corrupting the nation. Since the establishment of America equality was always an issue, but always an issue of avoidance. In the article Deconstructing America, Buchanan states, “As for the Africans, they arrived in 1619 in slave ship, and were not freed for 246 years. Then …show more content…

In a little more than fifty years there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time . . . [These immigrants] are energizing our culture and broadening our vision of the world. They are renewing our most basic values and reminding us all of what it truly means to be American” (500).
Hsu discusses the idea that America will soon become a nation with no majority race, and that the American people take for granted all the new ideas these different ethnicities are bringing into the nation. Instead of learning from them, they seek violence and inequality as their solutions. Democracy is an even bigger issue in America. In The Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Richie states, “The reality of contemporary religious pluralism may be either one of the greatest threats to democratic freedom, civil or ecclesiastical, or one of its greatest assets” (471). Richie

comes across the issue of democracy with religion, which is a big issue in America, along with all the other freedoms the American people are said to have. Every aspect in America is Democratic, America is a “this or that” nation, you can’t have more than one, and America won’t settle for drastic changes. In the book Democracy in America, by Alexis De Tocqueville he states:
“In the United States the ablest men are rarely placed at the head of affairs --- Reason

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