
Erick Erikson's Eight Stages Of Social Development

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Social development includes the awareness of values, knowledge and skills that will allow a person to interact to others successfully and relate to family, friends and the community in a positive way (Martorell Papalia Feldman, 2013). Psychologist Erick Erikson believes that psychosocial development such as social interaction plays a very important role of a child’s development (Martorell Papalia Feldman, 2013). He is compared frequently to the psychologist Sigmund Freud. They are somewhat the same yet very much different. Freud’s theories are based off of early child development, while Erickson’s beliefs are humans are constantly developing throughout their entire life. Erikson believes that every individual goes through eight stages during development. These eight stages include: basic trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. identity confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generativity vs. stagnation, and lastly integrity vs. despair (Munley, 1975). These eight stages are broken up into the developing ages an individual experience. He believes social interaction plays a significant role in human development. The people who are faced with conflicts in social development will be negatively impacted by future functioning and growth (Munley, 1975). He believes that development is based on qualitative because changing over time can be compared to a stage and someone’s whose identity becomes stronger can be

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