
Erving Goffman's Theory Of Dramaturgy

Decent Essays

4. I am going to choose Erving Goffman’s theory of dramaturgy in my social role as a parent. Goffman argued that an individual has a set of roles that they are expected to perform in the theatrical production, as how he metaphorically term it. This means that social life is perceived to be a performance being acted to the world termed as a stage. So here’s his idea about dramaturgy, he stressed out that social beings are playing different roles in their daily lives, and performing different behaviors in ways depending on their current situation. This can be further illustrated by my social role as a parent. Being a parent is a challenging role, more challenging than how we see it in the movies. I acted differently in front of my wife, in front of my children, and vary in front of everybody else. This is what he implied that each of us has different self-presentations. Furthermore, Goffman also argued how people behave strategically. For an instance, I appropriate to act as a good role parent when I am with my sons. In front of them, I tend to avoid using vulgar and some disturbing words that might cause them to act atrociously in the long run. This can be depicted, as Goffman’s ritual ideal, to my demeanor where I talk, dress, and only reflect desirable qualities for my children to …show more content…

I can relate the Saint Leo University’s core value of Excellence to Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical theorizing, primarily focusing on the concept of focused encounters. Focused encounters, as for how Goffman defined it, occurs social beings effectively compromised with each other to sustain for a focus interactive attention, such as having our discussions board on the course site. Although Goffman stressed that focused interactions are more in a close face-to-face interaction of the contributors, we can still consider the online class discussions that we have in this course since we are on the verge of using technological tools to communicate cognitively with each

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