
Escape Fire Analysis

Decent Essays

As important as patient reviews and criticism are, another factor that I will use in order to evaluate how my staff is performing will be by providing peer reviews multiple times a year. This ensures that there is significant peer accountability; driving my staff to hold each other responsible for their duties and encourage them to provide their best possible effort to the patients of my future practice. A multidisciplinary team that is concerned with not only each individual’s duty, but also the responsibilities of others in the group, will help lower negative outcomes, both within the delivery room and within my practice (Escape Fire). As The Commonwealth Fund suggests, in order to better deliver effective healthcare, instituting policies …show more content…

Unfortunately, this system of disease management includes obstetrics and thus often pregnant women are treated as if they have a disease, not that they are experiencing a normal process. Women are often not satisfied with the care that they receive within the healthcare system because they feel as if they have little to no control of their body, are essentially forced into giving birth in a specific way (convenient for the doctors, but not as pleasant for women), or their opinions are not considered. Therefore, as an individual aspiring to enter into a field that often limits a woman’s choice, it will be imperative for me to attempt to overcome such practices and provide care that is highly accessible for all patients that offers a wide range of services such as birthing classes, referral to other alternative medicine practitioners, and coordinates the care of the patients. I must also provide care and services that ensures that the macro and micro factors that may threaten my patients’ health are minimized. Additionally, it will be imperative for me to have measures in place, such as patient and staff review to ensure that I am delivering effective quality care to the women that come to my practice. In the future, I aspire to run a successful practice, within a community that already has one OB-GYN practice that has a monopoly on the discipline currently. Therefore, I will have significant competition, but If I ensure that I place the patient first, a factor that Don Berwick cites as being vital to help our system, then I will be able to run a successful practice that maximizes patient satisfaction and helps provide obstetric and gynecological services back to the community that raised me (Conaboy). At the end of the day, under the current system and how many practices are

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