
Essay About Key Experience

Decent Essays

After experiencing two years of knowledge and wisdom at Egan, I have truly changed as a student and as a person. I am about to venture beyond the bridge that linked childhood and maturity, but the memories of the past will always be stored deep inside me and my colleagues. The strife between hard work and enjoying life has firmly molded me both physically and mentally.

When I first stepped onto Egan soil, I had already changed as a person from sixth grade. It was only last year when I truly fell in love with basketball. I felt it as an escape from the tremors of time-consuming games and school. I would practice basketball hours every single day throughout my seventh-grade year, bringing me athleticism as well as many bruised fingers. My love …show more content…

Through maturity, I acquired a new and competent mindset. I suddenly realized the importance of organization and academics. I was changing left and right, inside and out, and before I could grasp my shifting and synchronization, I was already a new person. I felt different, I thought different, yet I was still me. I started enrolling in many extracurricular classes such as math, English, and Chinese. My math skills in seventh grade placed me in accelerated math allowing me to only achieve an average math education. I felt a flutter of unrest telling me that I could do better. So I executed. After the first quarter, I made a goal to put my math grade above 97% for the entire school year, and it was fulfilled. Because of my fulfillment, I was given the option to finish geometry over the summer and jump straight to algebra two over my freshman year. I spent extra time each night preparing for tests and quizzes by studying with my friends or by myself at a local cafe allowing me to almost always get above 95% on both my math and science tests. Because of my extra hours of studying, I was able to achieve a 124/117 on my semester final exam for science. That’s almost

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