
Essay About Moving Away From Vietnam

Decent Essays

Me: At what age did you leave Vietnam?
Dad: I was seventeen years old.
Me: Why did you leave Vietnam?
Dad: I left due to hardships in Vietnam. Life was hard because of the communist, which we called Viet Cong, had taken Vietnam War.
Me: How were you able to leave Vietnam?
Dad: When I was sixteen years old, I learned how to fish to take care of my family. I used my experience then to leave Vietnam on a fishing boat.
Me: Did anything happened when you tried to escape Vietnam?
Dad: I tried to escape two times. The first time I tried to escape, I got caught trying to leave, but when I got caught Viet Cong put me in prison for three months. Viet Cong called this prison a “Re-Educational Camp.”
Me: What did you do in the camp?
Dad: In the prison, we didn’t do anything in the prison. In prison we stayed in a ten-by-ten room that held about ten to fifteen people. Inside the room, there wasn’t any AC or light. Everybody was in the dark room basically naked due to the heat. The heat was so extreme that everybody was down to their underwear. Some people would faint due to the heat. …show more content…

Dad: Kinda. In the prison, you are supposed to think that escaping is wrong.
Me: Did they not give you any food?
Dad: They do give each person a cup of water and a piece of bread a day to live. On the first day, you would get a cup of water and a piece of bread; then during lunch time, you would get the same meal again. You were able to get more food if your family came and brought you food and water. The gallon of water was for us to drink or bath or whatever you wish to do with the water.
Me: Where you stuck inside the room all day long?
Dad: Each day, they allowed us to be outside twice for only fifteen minutes. Prison in Vietnam is not the same as prison in America. You don’t work like in America. There is barely enough food to keep you alive and water so you don’t die of exhaustion or

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