
Essay Ap Euro Dbq Absolutism

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After the European expansion to the American continent at the end of the fifteenth century, many monarchs began to become absolute rulers. In between the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, absolute powers began a rise in mainly Western Europe; while Eastern Europe experienced absolutism in the mid eighteenth century. But during the absolute monarchs rise to power, the population of each sovereign state had an abundance of diverse attitudes towards sovereignty. These diverse opinions arose for acknowledgement of different urgencies for an absolute monarch to attend to; these groups were sovereign monarchs, peasants, and nobility. One of the main views that dominated the growth of absolute power was the monarch’s. The monarch’s …show more content…

Most of the peasants within the European countries were constantly maltreated throughout history, since they were incapable of expressing their urgent dilemmas in the government. Once absolute monarchs became dominant, the peasants were approached inadequately by the monarch and the nobility. So in 1769, the Commision of Enquiry of the Peasants of Bohemia were sent to the Counsel State of Vienna, which states that the nobility and monarchy carelessly place all the taxes on the peasants of Bohemia(Doc4). The peasants of Bohemia then understand that the absolute monarchy and nobility must equally distribute the taxes of a country(Doc 4). Ideally, the peasants of Bohemia would applaud the government and nobility highly if all classes were taxed equally. Purposely, the pauper class communicates their endeavors in attempt to imply that the absolute monarch should be reasonable and fair. Not only was the mistreatment of peasants common in Bohemia, but also in Russian peasants were commonly attacked by the nobility and government. Also, the Russian tsar and higher authorities were determined to be mistreating most of the population by neglecting. Absolutism in Russia determined by Adam Olearius, in the article Travels in Moscovy, explains that the population of Russia is suffering from slavery and are not being protected from …show more content…

Most aristocrats during the age of absolutism decided that the absolute monarch must conspire with the nobility to establish righteous inequality for the privileged; which most aristocrats accomplished. For example, the aristocrats within Austria were able to convince Joseph II, the Holy Roman Emperor, to allow inequitable influence for just the nobility within the government.This is evident in the letter that the the Holy Roman Emperor had sent to Leopold of Tuscany that nationalism and a monarch's well- being is in the hands of the nobility(Doc 2). This shows that the nobility within Austria at the time already influenced the monarch to attend to the nobility before any of the other population within the empire. Since the emperor states that he appreciates the presence of the higher class, which shows that the emperor’s position of a sovereign monarch should be with the nobility. Even though the Emperor did not fulfill the efforts of an equal ruler, he allowed the serfs freedom in 1781 that led to the miserable lives of serfs. With the removal of serfdom that was re-established in 1790, Joseph II was highly influenced by the requirements of the nobility’s ideal absolutist ruler. But in France from 1643 to 1715 much of the French nobility disliked the absolute rule King Louis XIV held; which excluded the nobility from many key features of the

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