
Essay Comparing A Streetcar Named Desire And Long Day's Journey Into Night

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A Streetcar Named Desire and Long Day’s Journey into Night possess many similarities as well different features. The first and most obvious difference is that A Streetcar Named Desire is a motion picture, while Long Day’s Journey into Night is a manuscript. The reason I mentioned this fact is because with the motion picture you are capable of seeing the emotions, witnessing the violence; although action can always be misconstrued. Long Day’s Journey into Night you have to read the emotions, and make assumptions instead of experiencing them personally; however they are clear and direct. Blanche and Mary have similar bad nerves to each other; although I would like to say it is due to their addictions. Mary is a morphine addict who attempts to hide it from her family because she would like them to believe she is still in …show more content…

Mary lies about her morphine abuse because she have not quite come to terms that she once again is abusing morphine herself. Unlike, Blanche she is not creating a new reality to escape her former one, she just have not fully grasp the fact she did not kicked the addiction yet. Now, in the terms of husbands James was an actor who is financially responsible, even though he is not to please with Mary actions all the time he is nothing more than a loving husband, who I could not imagine that would lift a finger to harm Mary or any of her family members. Stella’s husband Stanley, gambles with his friends and caused harm her when she was defending her sister, clearly he does not love Stella the same way James love Mary. Edmund went to the sanatorium because he had the case of consumption and it was the cheapest option to help him get better. However, Blanche was sent to a mental facility because she mentally broke down due to the circumstances of financial problems, alcoholism and of course the

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