
Essay Comparing Gilgamesh And The Flood

Decent Essays

Throughout the readings of both “The Flood” from the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and excerpts from Genesis 6:5-9:17: “The Flood”, one has noticed numerous similarities that connect the two articles. Before one has read the articles, one notices that both readings were written a long time ago in the B.C. era. Both the readings talk about a God or multiple gods creating a flood because the humans expressed wickedness. The purpose of the flood was to wipe out mankind. The two readings ask for a man to build a massive ark/boat. Both the boats were sealed with pitch. Both stories talk about the God/gods telling the man what dimensions the boat shall be built with. The man in both readings brought all kinds of animals and some people with with him. Another …show more content…

Once on the mountain, the man send birds to find dry land and see if the flood has come to an end. In both readings, one of the birds the man sends out does not return to the ark/boat. The man in both readings sacrificed something for the God/gods. The God/gods both smelled the sacrifice. Both readings express that the God/gods promise not to destroy humankind again. One believes that it is possible that the author of Genesis had some knowledge of the “Epic of Gilgamesh” because the readings correlate together so well. The “Epic of Gilgamesh” originated before Genesis and shares great detail between both stories. Both of the readings talk about the same event on our planet. Both Genesis and the “Epic of Gilgamesh” documented this event at the same time and are expressing/sharing it in a way they both understand. One of these accounts may have been altered by a mix up in oral tradition. It would be too much of a coincidence if Genesis took information from “Epic of Gilgamesh” because Genesis has more detail compared to the other reading. Genesis must have witnessed the event and wrote it down in the perspective the author saw it in.The readings both parallel each other very

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