
Essay Comparing The Bible And The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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There are many various depictions of The Great Flood. The Aborigines have an account of the Flood which includes a woman whose third son was killed and so she speared the “eye” of the sea. The Mayan interpretation presents the theory that the Flood destroyed wooden people that were created by the gods in an attempt to create human beings. Two very well-known clarifications are in The Bible and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Although they are about the tantamount occurrence, there are many differences, including who told who to constitute the ark, what was on the ark, and how elongated the flood persevered.
First, who told who about the Flood and to construct an ark is a very important topic. In The Bible, God tells Noah that He is going to flood the earth for because of all the wickedness in men’s minds. He instructed Noah to build an ark that is four hundred fifty feet long, seventy five feet wide, and fort five feet high. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Ishtar was extremely enraged and she told her father, Anu, to deliver a deluge. Ea came to Utnapishtim and told him that a downpour was going to strike the earth and to construct a water-tight vessel. As you can probably see, these are two very different theories, but we know that The Bible is always accurate. …show more content…

The Bible affirms that Noah took his wife, his sons and stepdaughters, two of every kind of animal, and seven of every kind of bird on the ark with him. Each species had a male and its mate to keep the species alive. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim had his sons with wives, people who wanted to remain alive, multitudinous amounts of the city’s craftsmen, and “divers kinds of beast.” These views weren’t that different despite the fact that on Utnapishtim’s boat, there were people from the

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