
Essay On African American Abolitionism

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Since African slavery began in North America in 1619 at Jamestown, numerous slaves had been shipped in slave trade between Britain’s American colonies and Africa. With years by years’ transition, when it comes to 1793, a young Yankee schoolteacher named Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which significantly boosts the demand of the slaves. Especially in the south, the cotton gin meant a switch that reinforced the region’s dependence on slave labor and the slave population in the United States increased nearly five-fold in the first half of the 19th Century. But it didn’t seem that all of people like the existing slavery system. Not only the slaves want to be freed but also a lot of abolitionist showed up and advocated for liberating the slaves. …show more content…

According to the text book give me liberty, “Slave never abandoned their desire for freedom or their determination to resist total white control over their lives. Such resistance began during the 15th century as Africans enslaved by Europeans often sought to kill their captors or themselves. ” By the late 1700s Christian morality, new ideas about liberty and human rights that came about as a result of the American and French revolutions and economic changes led to an effort among blacks and whites to end human bondage. In the beginning of the slave trade, although there was always resistance from the enslaved people themselves, only very few white people spoke against the trade because the Transatlantic Slave Trade was a very profitable trade for Britain. As time passed by, some slaveholders, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and his contemporaries, recognized the discrepancy between the ideal of equality and its violation. However, the majority of Americans slaveholders failed to see such a discrepancy and did not make action actions against slavery. Meanwhile, they want to keep slaves staying obedient and knowing very few about other things apart from work. There was an anecdote about James Henry Hammond of South Carolina that is included in the history book give me liberty. Hammond is one of the owners who attempted to prevent slaves from learning about the larger world. However he found

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