
Essay On All Gave Some, Some Gave All

Decent Essays

All Gave Some, Some Gave All

A normal sitting at El Patio is pretty regular, but this time it wasn’t so normal. Justin Lawson and I were eating, when all of a sudden he received a text from an unknown sender. The message read “Hey Justin would you and a few of your football teammates like to voluntarily be the pallbearer for an ex-marine?” His name was Mr. Hunter. Justin immediately showed me the message without thought “I wonder who we should ask to help, because we want the most respectful people we know.” At school the next day, we had gone around and asked a few of the people we thought we should ask, this was nothing big, the funeral day would come, we would all go pay our respect and serve as the pallbearers, and then we could go …show more content…

The next week we were on tv because Ralph Abraham had that same picture we took at the funeral on a big poster and he was announcing our names, and telling a summary of what had happened, and the event kept growing, and growing, until the picture and story of us, normal Winnfield, football players had grown so much that we were on
“trump news”, but that wasn’t it. The week after that at a pep rally, coach Banxton got on stage and announced “I’d like to have everyone’s undivided attention. I want to recognize the football players that have made such and impact on not only me, our community, or the state, but the impact that they’ve made in this country. His had folders in his hand, he called out pour names, and we all went up on stage to get these certificates that Ralph Abraham had sent us, all six of us standing on stage, and the whole crowd gave us a standing ovation. Listening to the crowd with so much joy, clapping and screaming, it made these other five men and I feel so wonderful. Knowing that we had touched all these people just by this one simple action as being the pallbearers. The feeling, knowing that we had done so much by something we didn’t even know would make the newspaper, turned into something nationwide, was one of the best feelings I’ve ever felt. Couldn’t be happier to say that doing

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