
Essay On Asylum Seekers

Decent Essays

people after having built relationships with them that this is indeed the case. This is the third lie, the lie to the Home Office. 1.1 Motivation It is fair to say that my rationale for selecting this area of research was of course my own interest and learning but in addition, that this may help to add greater depth of understanding, tolerance in an area that is often used to discredit and negatively label asylum seekers and refugees. It also appears from my preliminary searches that there is dearth of information on this subject. 1.2 Research Aims Objectives I felt I needed to know more to understand the reasons why asylum seekers may lie, and what function and purpose do these lies serve. My inner dialogue at that time sparked other questions …show more content…

What are lies 2. Are there different types of lies 3. What’s the difference between a story and a lie 4. Is lying a natural human trait 5. What are the possible reasons why some asylum seekers lie 6. Does the asylum system give them a choice? 7. Why might some withhold information and is withholding lying or always motivated by the need to deceive 8. Why might some asylum seekers remain silent and is remaining silent motivated by the need to deceive 9. Are there cultural reasons why some of this may happen? 10. Is this an aspect of Survival mode 11. What is the possible impact of the lie on the person 12. What is Media views of asylum seekers/societies view 1.4 Hypotheses The hypothesis is that there are numerous and sometimes complex reasons why people lie and that lying is a human trait that is practised all of us and something that we all do regularly. Therefore it is questionable that this should not be used as a negative label for asylum seekers alone. Silence also serves a number of purposes and at certain times of our lives, such as when one is a teenager it is considered as natural way of operating. Silence may indeed also be a way in which one holds on to things that are precious. It may also be sometimes that things need to heal before they can be spoken about. Silence could serve the Intrapsychic dimension rather than be a tool to mislead or manipulate the asylum

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