
Essay On Changes In America

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What could possibly be improved in our country with a newly elected president? A very large amount of things as a matter of fact. The desires and benefits of immigrants must be sorted. The economy must be able to flow freely again. The people must believe in the government once more. A worker must be able to pay his debts. The dealing with medical issues must be improved. Many things must be improved. Immigration is the importation of problems in our country. immigration must be restricted in order to lessen “increases in the number of cases of homicide and abduction and kidnapping, and other crimes”(Lauck). Before being allowed to access the United States, immigrants must be tested and questioned. This will allow us to weed out the criminals …show more content…

In our hospitals, and many times in our homes, surgeries have been performed on us. The surgery “conditions were very crude,”(ALTT) i'm sure we all can remember that, if we even survived the operation in the first place. Surgeries are way too unsanitary, being done on the kitchen counters of people's homes. Tools are not cleaned, hands are not cleaned, nothing is sanitized before surgery, causing major infection in countless patients. I believe that surgery must be performed in clean hospitals, and that all tools, hands, etc. are sanitized. This will greatly improve the chance of someone surviving through any type of surgery. Although people are way better off in 2016 than 1912 in terms of technology and lifespan, we have similar issues, like the enormous cost of living, and the treatment of immigrants. How could I possibly improve our perfect nation? I could improve the lives of our immigrants, and weed out the bad ones. I could repair our impaired economy. I could convince people that the government isn't all corrupt. I could allow a worker to actually pay off his debt. I could make it so doctors are successful with their surgeries. These improvements would greatly improve our future as a

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