
Essay On Chartered Accountancy In South Africa

Decent Essays

1. Introduction: The Professional Chartered Accountant in South Africa
The Chartered Accounting profession of South Africa is one of the most esteemed professions in the world, due to the enhancement and maintenance thereof by the South African accounting institutions (South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, 2011). This essay will discuss the Chartered Accounting profession in South Africa by referring to the professionalisation of accountancy in South Africa and the professional status of Chartered Accountancy in terms of the definition of a profession. This essay will furthermore explore the mechanisms that are inaugurated at present by the South African accounting institutions to maintain the professionalism of Chartered Accountancy. …show more content…

During the 1900s, the Institute of Accountants and Auditors in the South African Republic (IAASAR) was formed, as well as other societies. In 1908, the Society of Accountants and Auditors of the Orange River Colony (SAAORC) was established and introduced the designation ‘Registered Accountant O.R.C.’. In 1927, these societies were successful in their attempt to legally establish the designation ‘Chartered Accountant (South Africa)’ or rather ‘CA (SA)’. In 1980, the bodies merged into the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), which is presently the prominent professional accounting body (Van Lelyveld, 2014). The formation of SAICA was aimed at professionalising the Chartered Accounting profession in South Africa, but whether this aim was reached will be discussed in the following …show more content…

This programme accentuates the enhancement of the CA (SA) professional by persistently developing the standards governing the CA (SA) profession. The programme also focuses on legal and corporate governance; which aim at aligning social and economical standards; secures that the CA (SA) profession is accountable and affiliated with the interest of individuals; corporations and the society (South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, 2014). These regulations also safeguard the use of the accounting standards, as will be inspected in the succeeding

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