
Essay On Columbian Exchange

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The Columbian exchange was the transfer of the omnipresent plants, animals, culture, human populations and technology between the old and new world. Like Italians and their pizza, for instance, tomatoes never grew from the east, they were brought from the west. Many things such as food, diseases, livestock, and general advancements were born as a result of the exchange. The exchange sprouted countless traditions that are now legend.

In the East before the Columbian exchange, there was no oranges in Florida, no bananas in Ecuador, no paprika in Hungary, no potatoes in Ireland, no coffee in Colombia, no pineapples in Hawaii, no rubber trees in Africa, no chili peppers in Thailand, no tomatoes in Italy, and no chocolate in Switzerland. Traditions that are claimed to be manifested in these countries are false. A vast majority of such niceties the east sees on regular occasions were given to them from the west. Chilis that came from the west have contributed greatly in the bearing of my beloved spicy foods. If we didn’t have the foods we love in the places we enjoy, it’s likely we would all have cases of chronic indigestion!

The diseases that the east brought the locals of the west burned like wildfire through the hearts of men, women and children who …show more content…

When the east and the west traded goods, the world and its inhabitants changed forever. But what if it didn't happen? What if the east never discovered the west? Would our present day technology be similar to that found in 1492? Chances are, we would prolong our world and its inhabitants by roughly a thousand years. The making of revolutionary technological discoveries may never have happened without the collaboration of many New World and Old World residents alike. The expansive variety of foods and plentiful livestock led to the larger populations of today. So yes, in my eyes the exchange did in fact change our world for the

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