
Essay On Community Status Of India

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All the respondents were youth below 35 years old. There are two ages categories – one from 18-25 years and other one between 26-35 years old. 60% respondents were in between 18-25 years and remaining 40% were between 26-35 years old. 61% Odisha youth were below 25 years old slight higher than Maharashtra (58%). Whereas 39% Odisha youth were between 26-35 years old slight higher than Maharashtra (42%).

Half of respondents, 50% were married. 55% respondents are married from low performing state (Odisha) whereas only 45% from high performing state (Maharashtra). 69% respondents are married from low performing GPs (Hatmuniguda and Khairale) whereas only 31% from high performing GPs.

The effort was made to have equal number male …show more content…

Nature of House Kutcha Semi Pucca Pucca
Odisha 32 40 28
Maharashtra 41 27 32
Total 37 33 30

Only 30% respondents had pucca houses, 33% had semi-pucca house and highest 37% had kutcha house. Respondents in Maharashtra had higher number of Pucca as well as Kutcha houses. The respondents from Odisha had higher semi-pucca houses.

Access to Internet
Only 4% respondents had access to internet always, whereas 28% had access sometimes but 68% never accessed internet in their life despite government promoting digital literacy. 36% people had access to internet sometimes in Maharashtra, whereas only 27% in Odisha. Overall access to internet in these GPs are very low. Maharashtra had higher access to internet as compare to Odisha.

Education Profile
Nearly 90% respondents were literate but still 11% were illiterate among the youth. 35% respondents were below matriculation, 43% completed matriculation and 12% had education graduation and above. Illiterate respondents (14%) were more in Maharashtra, double of Odisha. Half of respondents from Maharashtra matriculation & above youth higher from Odisha (36%). Graduate and above respondents were more than double in Odisha (16%) as compare to Maharashtra (7%).

The illiteracy in low performing GPs (Hatmuniguda and Khairale) had 20%. Almost 97.5% respondents studied in government schools. 71% respondents from high performing GPs have studied above matriculation and

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