
Essay On Daisy Change In The Great Gatsby

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Most people would agree that time can not be stopped, and that it never changes. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, Daisy is a minor character who plays the most significant role because Daisy’s love is what Gatsby was attempting to achieve the entire time. However Gatsby’s perspective of Daisy had changed over time. Clearly Daisy represents humanity’s tendency to change over time. After Daisy’s first love Gatsby left for war, she found love with Tom Buchanan. Tom a wealthy, powerful man asked Daisy to marry him, therefore Daisy decides to marry Tom and not wait for Gatsby. However in contrast this shows how Daisy’s humanity changed over time. For example ”Take em down stairs and give em back to whoever they belong to. Tell them Daisy changed her mind...Next day at five o’clock she married Tom without So much as a shiver”(Fitzgerald #76). Daisy was deciding whether to marry the wealth, powerful man Tom, or Gatsby the man she first loved.The reason being her feeling changed slightly because of the time Gatsby was away. After Gatsby returned from war he found out Daisy married Tom Buchanan, it destroyed Gatsby. So Gatsby set to get Daisy back as his life’s mission, Gatsby threw parties every week hoping Daisy would come to one. Gatsby was hoping she came by hearing his name around town, so Daisy would come looking for Gatsby after hearing his name. Daisy did not even know Gatsby was alive until he told her in a letter. And one day because of Nick’s relationship with Daisy Nick

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