
Essay On Effects Of Birth Control

Decent Essays

Effects of Birth Control There are many effects of birth control. Birth control is the act of preventing pregnancy. There are many types of birth control in today’s world. There are also many reasons why women are on birth control, which I will talk about later on. Birth control is also easy to take. Some are easier than others, it all depends on what kind of birth control women take. There are three main topics I will cover about birth control, side effects, types, and reasons. Birth control symptoms/side effects vary between what birth control the person is on. Some side effects include weight gain, acne, headaches, nausea, mood changes, missed periods, and much more. There are fifteen different kinds of birth control. All of them have different side effects too. They also all have different percentage of pregnancy safety. There is the birth control implant, which is 99% effective to preventing pregnancies. There is the birth control patch, which is 91% effective as well as the pill. There is a birth control shot that most commonly goes on your buttox and that is 94% effective. There is a birth control sponge, which isn’t common and only 78% effective. There are also condoms, IUDs, and tons more. None of these protect women from STDs, they just work to prevent pregnancy. …show more content…

Some reasons include: to help acne, help regulate their period, makes us women more comfortable with ourselves, stop migraines, and to prevent pregnancy. A lot of adults who don’t understand all the reasons to be on birth control, frown upon teenagers being on it. As they don’t look at all the reasons why we can be on it, they just focus on the sexually active part. When I was in 6th grade I got put on the birth control pill to help with my migraine headaches and my acne. It helped a lot. Now that I am older I have the implant in my arm which helps a lot

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