
Essay On Emergency Student Loans

Decent Essays

Let’s continue Student’s Growth through Emergency Student Loans
An emergency is defined as an unexpected need that could not have been reasonably foreseen. In today’s tough financial climate, more and more students are facing difficulties with increasing cost of tuition fees and living expenses. Sometimes student’s ability to pay can change drastically. For example a parent may get fired or suffer a pay cut. As a result, many bright students are at risk of having to quit their study due to financial crisis.
Emergency student loans are short term loans that are geared towards helping students cover education-related costs living expenses. The uncertain financial environment may cause sudden changes in the costs of tuition or other expenses and emergency student loans are the best way to cover any unexpected costs. These loans are processed almost instantly and are disbursed to students within a few hours. The emergency loan request must be for an emergency, as defined above, Rent etc. for example is not an Emergency. …show more content…

The students can apply for an emergency loan before the semester begins, but in that case he or she won’t get it until semester begins. These loans are also available under less stringent conditions, since the amount disbursed is usually lower compared to other loans. While these loans may not be ideal for funding an entire degree, they may be beneficial when any unexpected costs arise. As their name suggests, the primary objective of emergency student loans is to allow students to work their way out of unexpected or “hidden” costs without having to put a stop to their entire education. And there are fewer restrictions on the use of the money that is borrowed, meaning that you can spend money on what you need, when you need it. So Emergency Student loans are the Best medium which continues student’s

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