
Essay On Energy Efficient Windows

Decent Essays

Energy Efficient Windows: The First Step In Your Fight Against Indoor Air-Pollution According to the Environmental Protection Agency, your home may be two to five times more polluted than the air outside of it, which is a scary thought. Whether your home is in the country or city, the air your family is breathing may not be healthy. One possible and relatively simple solution may be to replace your windows, but there's even more you can do to protect your family. The Problem Of Indoor Pollution Especially if anyone in your home is living with allergies or asthma, indoor pollution can pose a major health threat, despite the fact that you look at your home as a safe place from the dangers of the world. Even for people with no existing …show more content…

New, energy-efficient windows are a great start to improving your indoor air-quality, among the other benefits they come with. Energy-efficient windows are less likely to foster condensation, which should mean fewer problems with mold growth. Properly sealed windows allow you to close your home off during ozone and allergen alert days, keeping low-quality air out when you need. If your new windows are installed strategically, the circulation in your entire home will improve considerably, leading to better breathing air. New windows mean you don't have to fight with them to get them open, encouraging everyone to let fresh air in at the best times. Letting more fresh air in gives your HVAC system something better to circulate throughout the home. Having a few windows open often will effectively dilute many of the polluted particulates running through your home. Of course, new windows should also make it easier for you to regulate your indoor temperature in both colder and warmer seasons, which is likely to help your budget out as well. They can also add value to the house, especially if you plan on putting it on the market anytime soon. New windows are going to make your home look great, as well. Another major benefit of managing indoor temperatures with new windows is the fact that you're not going to draw as much energy from the big power plants, which release a lot of pollution as they burn the fuel needed to generate your

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